Monday, October 19, 2009

Celebrating Beets

I am lucky enough to belong to a CSA Community supported agriculture farm called Bloomfield Farm, every year we purchase a share of food and from early June till mid October we pick up a weekly supply of fresh veggies...this has made dinner and life an adventure, we have eaten new veggies and have fresh food everyday..this is one reason I have plenty of beets...Thank You Matt and Tanya for all the good vegetables we got this year. I will be adding more recipes that include these vegetables as I make them. Check out for info on Csa's. I highly recommend them and especially this one.

I myself love beets in any form, roasted, boiled, pickled...but surprise surprise Raw beets rock!......Just peel them cut into small enough pieces to fit down the food processor chute or grate any way that you can(I love using my food processor and use it any chance I get)...I also grated some carrots and added them on top of the beets just before I dressed them.....I found a lovely dressing on a raw food blog a while back and used this to dress the raw beet salad..I usually have approximately 3 cups of grated beets and a couple carrots if you like.

5 tablespoons white balsamic's best to use the white balsamic it is so smooth
5 tablespoons lemon juice
10 tablespoons oil (olive or canola)
1 small shallot chopped very fine
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

I add this all to a small ball jar and shake vigorously and wait to pour on the salad till a few minutes before serving this dressing tastes very tart but once you add it to the sweet beets It becomes magic

I also found out that the grated beets undressed last over a week in a Ziploc bag so you can grate more than you need and use through out the week on salads or make another beet salad.
If you aren't into eating raw beets microwave the grated beets for 2 minutes and then pour dressing over the beets while still warm this is very good also.

Beets are a good thing to grab at these last few farmers markets as they store well for weeks in the refrigerator

I have a good recipe for pickled beets if anyone is interested let me know and I will post it.

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