Saturday, October 31, 2009

Potato leek and Fennel soup

Halloween is drizzly damp and cold here in Vt...after a meal Of Delicious Green chili cheese burgers for dinner, my husband and I made soup

1 fennel bulb chopped
a few fronds chopped set aside to finish soup
1 onion diced
6-8 med potatoes
4 tablespoons butter
cheddar cheese
light creme or half and half 1 pint

makes 3 quarts soup

Melt butter, add fennel and onion and saute till tender add potatoes, 6 cups chicken stock, cook till potatoes are tender, use immersion blender to blend till smooth or leave a few potato lumps as you wish

add cheddar cheese grated I used half a package of Cabots sharp Cheddar, I added
1 pint lt creme,but half and half works just as well or milk I would use whole milk unless you really are concerned because it give a great mouth feel and depth of flavor to the creme soup. add salt and pepper to taste ...and additional fennel fronds and when serving top with a few fronds for presentation.

we serve with crusty bread, Stewarts, August First, Gerards whatever bread makes you smile!

This Soup is rich and flavorful and filling enough to stand alone for supper with bread, if you're yearning for a green veg add a nice salad.

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