Monday, October 19, 2009

Chicken chili

Today I decided to find out if ground chicken could be used to make a decent chili...the verdict ,it was very tasty.
I took ground chicken sauteed it with garlic and added Cayenne,chili powder salt and pepper to keeping with the white chili theme, I added a can of tomatillos,a large can of green chili,1 can of hominy(yellow) half a diced zucchini and about a cup of frozen corn and 1 can white beans.(you could add sauteed onions but today I didn't do that).
If you like Mexican food you would like this, the consistency of ground chicken is a bit different from beef so it was larger pieces of meat and a tad chewier, but it certainly didn't lack in flavor at all..if any of you have ever had Posole a Mexican green chili stew, the flavor is similar. So it is definatly a lower calorie lower fat version of chili, I served it with cornbread(corn tortillas would be a good choice also) and it was well received.

Next time I might use ground pork.

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